In the beginning of 1911 the American industrialist Andrew Carnegie, born in Scotland, offered Sweden 230 000 US Dollars to establish a Swedish Hero Fund. The Swedish Government approved the by-laws for the Swedish Carnegie Hero Fund on October 6th, 1911.

The main purpose of the statutes was:
"To give awards to persons who voluntarily or otherwise beyond what may be deemed to be their duty, have, by some gallant action in the peaceful walks of life risked their lives in order to save human lives in the territory of Sweden and on Swedish ships."

For many years the fund offered money to those who had suffered when saving or trying to save lives. Nowadays the social insurance system in Sweden normally helps in such situations. Today the award consists of a gold watch with inscription, a diploma and a sum of money. More than
9 5 Carnegie Awards have been given since 1912.

As the number of heroes had deccreased during the years and the fund had more money than it could give to heroes, the by-laws were in 1993 amended so that the fund, at second hand, can support research which can be of importance to save human lives in connection with accidents.The fund has hereafter, besides awards to heroes, given financial support to different medical research projects and other projects such as the training of a dog which will be skilled in water rescue and locating victims under water and in burning houses.
The members of the board are also members of the board of a fund established by Mr Edvard Ros�n who was rescued from drowning 40 years ago. The person who saved his life was given an award by the Swedish Carnegie Hero Fund. Edvard Ros�ns fund shall according to its by-laws support the Carnegie Hero Fund. From this fund awards can be given to those who have shown bravery beyond the call of duty, even if they have not risked their own lives. Money has been given to the Swedish Sea Rescue Society for a Lifeboat named Carnegiestiftelsen based in the Baltic Sea on Gotland, the largest island in Sweden.
Chairman of the board is Ann-Christine Lindeblad, former justice of the Supreme Court, and vice chairman is Andreas Arvidsson. They are both officially appointed. The other six members of the board represent different skills such as lifesaving on ice, fire fighting, sea rescue, medicine and education and are appointed by the board. The Ambassador of the United States of America in Stockholm is an honorary member of the board. The board meets three times a year. The Swedish Carnegie Fund has no staff besides an executive Secretary of the Ulf Kö ping-Höggård .

Awards being given 2009 - 2022 from Carnegiestiftelsen

  • Karl Rosén who in August 2008 disarmed a man who had hit two persons with an axe in a grocery store and tried to hit more persons
  • Hossein Affshin who in September 2009 rescued a six year old boy who fell from a window on the sixth floor of a house
  • Sara Henrysson-Eidvall and Simon Thelaus who in August 2009 rescued two children from drowning
  • Bahman Badjelan who in October 2009 rescued a woman, visually impaired, who had fallen down on to the rails of the tube in Stockholm
  • Michael Doohan and Johan Bostedt who in May 2010 rescued a man out of a burning house
  • Carolina Sandell who in August 2011 rescued a four year old girl out of a burning flat
  • Arnold Åström who in January 2012 rescued a woman out of a burning house
  • Johan Eriksson and Kjell Sollenborn who together in January 2013 exposing themselves to great danger tried to stop an assaulter armed with knife with the puropse to kill a woman
  • Saltin Celtin and Lina Schultz who together in June 2015 rescued a man not to be killed due to a leak a gas from a gas cylinder and an explosion that followed
  • Calle Nyström who in August 2015 rescued a man from drowning in the Baltic Sea
  • Nihad Weli who in Ovtober 2015 owerpowered a hold up man in an armed robbery in a tobacco shop
  • Dzenan Mahic who in October 2015 stopped further actions by an assaulter armed robbery in a tobacco shop
  • Nicklas Jansson who in October 2015 rescued a man injured in a serious traffic accident on a bridge by putting out a fire in the man´s transport lorry and to rescue the lorry not to tumble down and crash on a underlying road
  • Tommy Manfredsson who in February 2018 rescued a man from drowning close to the ferry quay in Skår, Lysekil
  • Patricia Downes, Siobhan Andreasson and Raphael Storck who together in December 2018 exposing themselves from danger rescued a man out of a burning house
  • Linnea Kurhula who in January 2019 warded off attacks by a young man armed with a knife against another young man lying on a floor during a fight between them.
  • Gabriella Svensson who in February 2021 with danger for her own life rescued a man to be runed over by a train.
  • Martin Olsen who in August 2019 exposing himself to danger stopped a man armed with a knife to strike a woman with further attacks after the woman had been struck twice.

Research support 2009 - 2022

“Trombocyte dysfunction in severe traumatic brain lesions”

2009, 2010, 2011 “Prevention of life-threatening celebral oedemas caused by traumatic head injuries - development of a specific Aqp4-blocker”

2011 Epidemiology in case of serious trauma

2013 "Injuries epidemiology- a national population based study of riskfactors on incidence of injuries and outcome"

2013 "Educational grant to studies of trauma caused by accidents"

2014 "Traumatic bleedning and coagulation"

2015 "Improving outcome in secure traum-thioredoxin a predictive biomarker of post-injury sepsis"

2016 "Educational grant to national conference on the subject prehospital traumacare"

2017 "Improving outcome in secure traum-thioredoxin a predictive biomarker of post-injury sepsis"

2019 "Improving and study the outcome of advanced trauma life support (ATLS)"

2019 "Educational grant to studies in medical care connected to trauma"

2021 "Increase the knowledge to save lives after a mass shooting"

2021 "Digital support in the decision process of the selection of transportation of patient with trauma"

2021 "Combined human and artificial intelligence to improve measures to save badly hurt patients after a serve accident"

2022 "Increased knowledge about blood poisoning with focus on insufficiency organism by badly hurt patients"

2022 "Project to focus on trauma mortality by elderly patients in comparison with youngish patients’ mortality with trauma"


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